Meditation Rooms at the Office Encourage Better Productivity
Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue is a wonderful book that inspires with wise teachings demonstrating how we can create abundance in our lives through mind-body-spirit cultivation.
Over the last few years, more and more companies have embraced meditation as a tool that can be offered to their employees. CEOs have found that their employees show better performance and productivity and their well-being is improved. Staff that takes advantage of the time to meditate before the work day is friendly, relaxed, and can concentrate for longer.
Companies such as Google, Yahoo, Nike, Salesforce, and HBO to name a few have on-site meditation rooms or spaces. These are set up for the staff to take a few minutes to center and focus. Meditation is a simple and effective tool. At Google participants that are interested in meditation can take courses for free.
When you remain true to yourself and authentic always no matter how much success or money you have you can remain grounded which in turn keeps you happy and connected to those around you. Here is a passage from Zhang Xinyue’s book that promotes living an authentic life.
“You must live to the fullest extent a human being can do, and live to be your true self.
Use your energy to change yourself for the better, also, let your family and those around you change themselves for the better.”
Zhang Xinyue author of Create Abundance wrote this book of wise inspirations in 2012. It has been translated from Chinese into several languages and has become an international bestseller. Create Abundance by Zhang Xinyue shares innovative and positive ways to navigate and manage the philosophical issues of life.
For more information visit Create Abundance